27 November 2006

In 2006

♥ January ♥
1. Who kissed you at midnight?
Jesse Smith of course

2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?

3. Does it snow where you live?
Not since 1989

4. Do you like hot chocolate?
Yes with marshmellows and whipped cream

5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?


1. Who was your Valentine?
I was in boot camp.

2. When you were little, did you buy valentines for all of your friends?

3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
Not really.

** MARCH **

1. Are you Irish?

2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
If I remember to.

3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006?
Ran battle stations in bootcamp

4. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?

** APRIL **

1. Do you like the rain?

2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?

3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
Not really, I'm not a big candy eater.

4. Do you celebrate 4/20?

5. Do you love the month of april?
Only because it's the month of Amara's birthday.

** MAY **

1. What's your favorite kind of flower?

2. Do you like the spring?

3. Finish the phrase "April showers":
Bring May Flowers.

4. What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring?
Lime Green

** JUNE **

1. What year did/will you graduate from highschool?

2. Did you realize nothing special happens in June?
Yup, except my mother's birthday

** JULY **

1. What did you do on the Fourth of July?
Spent the weekend with two of my favorite chicas from bootcamp.

2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?
Yeah right, I wish.

3. Do you blast the A/C all day?

** AUGUST **

1. Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
Finally made it home from bootcamp/A School & C School

2. What was your favorite summer memory of '06?
Graduating A School

3. Did you have a sunburn?

4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
Not really


1. Did you attend school/college in '06?
Kind of...Just to learn about my rate in the Navy. IYAOYAS!!!

2. Who is your favorite teacher?
AO1 Walton & AO2 Terry

3. Do you like fall better than summer?
It's kind of a toss up


1. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
I was gonna go as Rainbow Brite, but couldn't find the right wig for it.

2. What's your favorite candy?
Banana Laffy Taffy

3.What did you dress up as last/this year?
last year - Nothing.
this year - Nothing.

4. What is your favorite memory about October?
Taking my daughter Trick Or Treating.


1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
My own house

2. Do you love stuffing?
Depends on how it is made.

3. What are you thankful for?
A wonderful family, great friends, and being able to give my family just about anything they want


1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
Most definatley

2. If not, what do you celebrate?

3. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Yup Yup!

4. Get anything special last year?
A new digital camera

5. What do you want this year?
For my family to be proud of me and be strong while I am away from them.

25 November 2006

Happy Feet

Today was a really relaxful day. Amara and myself woke up around 10:30 a.m. and boy did it feel great. Around noon we headed out to the Orange Park Mall to go see Happy Feet at the AMC 24. The movie didn't start until 1:45 p.m. so we decided to do a little shopping. I bought her a Winnie The Pooh video game for her gameboy advance and the original Land Before Time dvd. Then headed to our movie. We grabbed some popcorn and a drink and then to our seats. The movie was really cool. There were parts that almost made me a little teary eyed. Also another thing I thought was really awesome was they have finally released the trailer to the new Harry Potter movie. (Click the link to see it for yourself). It comes out July 13th and I can not flippin' wait! When Amara saw it come on she started yelling at the top of her lungs "Mommy, It's Harry Potter!" So I know she is just as excited as I am about it.

Harry Potter and The order Of The Phoenix: 4 minute behind the scenes sneek peek! YaY!

24 November 2006

Black Friday 2006 - Yes I'm Just A Little Crazy

So every year my husband and I set out into the mad world of the holiday madness known as Black Friday. Normally we leave the house at about 2:30 a.m. Well this year Circuit City had a laptop for $99.99 that my husband just had to have. Thinking we would be one of the first in line we left the house at 11:00 p.m. to go sleep in line. We ended up being to late. We were like number 25 in line and of course everyone in front of us wanted the same thing. So we ended up standing out there in the 45 degree weather for a little less than six hours. When the store finally opened we ended up buying a couple video games and DVD's instead. After spending an hour in the store we headed down to Best Buy picked out some more DVDs and walked around looking for the end of the line, which ended up being like a mile long. So we both looked at each other and said fuck this and left. Our next stop was Target. They had The Simpsons Season 8 for only $16.99 so that was a must buy for me no matter what. Jesse bought the Da Vinci Code and a video game and we were out of there within thirty minutes. After Target we took a breakfeast break at the drive-thru in McDonalds and headed off to Wal-Mart. To my surprise Wal-Mart was dead. It looked like any normal day at Wal-Mart. The cool thing about it though is they had one left of the item we went there for. The My Little Pony Crystal Princess Castle with 3 bonus ponies. So we picked it up and headed to checkout expecting the normal wait time of about 20 minutes. We only waited in the check out for like two minutes. We were very pleased with how Wal-Mart was this year compared to hype of how packed Wal-Mart gets on Black Friday. After Wal-Mart we had one more stop to make. Good old Coconuts where I used to work. We ended up buying more there than at any store. They had select titles of Television DVD's on sale buy 1 get 1 free. So I picked up South Park Season 6 and 7 to start my South Park collection. Jesse got an MP3 player for $9.99 and a DVD player for my uncle for only $9.99. It was around 8:30 a.m. once we were done and made our way home for some much needed sleep. All in all we had a pretty good time and got some great stuff for really good prices.

22 November 2006

Custom Address Labels

These are address labels that I make and sell. I don't know why, but I really enjoy making these for people. I sell them for $1.00 plus shipping per sheet of 30. Right now I'm not selling them because I am leaving for Italy soon. I will however start selling them again once I get back in June.