25 November 2006

Happy Feet

Today was a really relaxful day. Amara and myself woke up around 10:30 a.m. and boy did it feel great. Around noon we headed out to the Orange Park Mall to go see Happy Feet at the AMC 24. The movie didn't start until 1:45 p.m. so we decided to do a little shopping. I bought her a Winnie The Pooh video game for her gameboy advance and the original Land Before Time dvd. Then headed to our movie. We grabbed some popcorn and a drink and then to our seats. The movie was really cool. There were parts that almost made me a little teary eyed. Also another thing I thought was really awesome was they have finally released the trailer to the new Harry Potter movie. (Click the link to see it for yourself). It comes out July 13th and I can not flippin' wait! When Amara saw it come on she started yelling at the top of her lungs "Mommy, It's Harry Potter!" So I know she is just as excited as I am about it.

Harry Potter and The order Of The Phoenix: 4 minute behind the scenes sneek peek! YaY!

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